Living With Acid Reflux: What You Can Do About It






Anyone who suffers from acid reflux is well aware of how hard it can be to find a treatment that works. You may have tried many treatments without finding one that is truly effective. Fortunately, this article is here to help. The following information can help you find a treatment that is right for you.

If you notice that spicy foods cause you problems, do not eat anything with peppers or chilies in them. This will help to prevent heartburn. At the very least, reduce the frequency with which you eat these items. You should notice an immediate difference in the way that you feel.

Don’t overeat. Only eat until you feel sated, your stomach stops growling and ends your hunger discomfort. If you become hungry again shortly after eating, drink a glass of water instead of having a snack. When you eat too much, your stomach has trouble digesting and you may find acid reflux rears its ugly head.

When you are done eating a meal, prevent acid reflux by chewing on some gum. More saliva is produced when you chew some gum. The more saliva that is produced during digestion, the less acid is produced, in turn, preventing acid reflux from occurring. Ideally, you should chew on sugar-free gum.

There are many over-the-counter medications you can take for acid reflux. They are called antacids and they work by stopping excess acid production. Just be aware that no one medication works for everyone. If you try one and it is not effective for you, keep trying others until you find the right one for you.

A great way to minimize your acid reflux at night is to eat your largest meal of the day at lunch. You want as much of your food to be digested prior to lying down for the night. Rearrange your eating habits to include a big lunch and very small dinner.

Limit the amount of fluids you intake while eating. Fluids add volume to the food you are eating, which will result in overfilling your stomach and allowing stomach acids to rise into your esophagus resulting in acid reflux. By limiting the amount of fluids you ingest, you can help prevent acid reflux.

If you have been taking antacids over an extended period of time, chances are you have acid reflux. While it will not hurt you to take tums every now and then, continuing to take them when the problem may be more serious is a mistake. Go see a doctor if you have had symptoms for quite some time.

There are certain foods that tend to cause symptoms in people that suffer from acid reflux. Limit your consumption of trigger foods to help prevent acid reflux. For example, you might steer clear of drinks like milk, coffee, acidic fruit juice and carbonated sodas. Hot, spicy and fatty foods are best avoided.

Try a spoonful of honey. While there is no hard evidence that honey treats acid reflux, it is very useful to soothe and relieve the painful burning associated with it. Honey will coat your esophagus in a protective and soothing layer, and help neutralize some of the acid. If you are looking for some relief until you can identify and treat the cause of your heartburn, a little honey can be just what you need to get back to sleep.

Avoid overindulging in alcohol if you have frequent acid reflux. Alcohol consumption is a major cause of excessive production of stomach acids. If you want to drink, avoid drinking excessive amounts and find an alcohol that doesn’t make acid reflux worse.

Skip the antacid. An antacid is fine if you only suffer from acid reflux occasionally, however more frequent sufferers should look for better treatment options. An antacid is only a temporary fix, working to mask the pain. It does nothing to treat the underlying cause of the problem. Using antacids too frequently can even cause your stomach to start producing more acid in response.

Include plenty of high fiber foods into your diet. High fiber foods absorb the fats which will limit the effects of acid reflux. Good choices of high fiber foods should include natural grains such as wheat bread, brown rice and starchy vegetables like potatoes and beans. Incorporate some high fiber choices into each meal for best results.

Were you aware that the acid in food really does not affect the pH balance of the food? Certain foods like lemons actually are alkaline post-digestion. For those who have acid reflux, this can cause some confusion. If you want to manage your acid reflux effectively, learn your food’s pH.

Do not just give up and accept that there is nothing you can do to treat your acid reflux. This could not be farther from the truth. You may just not have tried the right sort of treatment. Use the information you have just read to find a treatment that really works.

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