Tips On How To Live With Intense Allergies






Although allergies are fairly common, sometimes reactions can be dangerous or fatal when they go untreated. It’s important that everyone get tested for allergies so they can avoid triggers and treat symptoms effectively. Read this article for more tips on how to deal with allergic symptoms, instead of letting them run your life!

Never try a new antihistamine away from home; the first time should always be experienced in the safety of your own home. Many antihistamines can cause people to feel drowsy and inhibit their different reflexes. Even if the product packaging does not contain any warnings, you should take the first several doses when you aren’t having to drive or do anything dangerous.

Monitor pollen forecasts and plan accordingly. If you have access to the internet, many of the popular weather forecasting sites have a section dedicated to allergy forecasts including both air quality and pollen counts. On days when the count is going to be high, keep your windows closed and limit your time outdoors.

If you are prescribed allergy medication, take it regularly. Prescription allergy medication often works differently than the standard over-the-counter remedy. While OTC allergy medications are taken as needed, many prescription allergy drugs work by maintaining a constant level of the medication in your system. This means that you need to take your pill every day, preferably at the same time of day.

People who suffer from allergies often have dry, irritated nasal passages that are prone to redness, itchiness and bloody noses. To keep these airway’s moist, use a spray of saline solution in each nostril several times per day, then apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly inside the nostrils to keep moisture in.

Before you commit to allergy injections, understand that having these shots will not eliminate the allergy itself. Actually, these injections increase your body’s threshold. As a result, you can tolerate greater exposure to the allergen before you start to experience discomfort or an allergic reaction. A realistic idea of the results can help you to make the decision whether or not the procedure is worth it.

If you plan to exercise outdoors during times of high pollen, do so in the late evening or early morning. Experts have determined that pollen concentrations are at their nadir during these times, so you won’t suffer as many allergy symptoms.

Too many people let their allergies limit what they can do. This doesn’t have to be the case. There is no reason to stop taking those hikes you used to love or stop playing games with your kids out in the yard. Fight those allergies and get a good handle on them. Make an appointment with an allergist and figure out the best treatment that will help you the most.

If you are extremely sensitive to weed pollens, there is a good chance that you may also be sensitive to certain foods. Consuming melons, bananas and chamomile may cross-react with weed pollens, resulting in a tingling, burning or scratchy feeling in the mouth and throat. Approach these foods with caution.

When you know allergy season is going to begin, use this time to take a vacation. Obviously, spending time outside is going to make your allergies act up, and you do not want to have to sit inside all of the time. Go to a beach location, where you can be allergy-free.

Allergy symptoms may be making your little one miserable and irritable, but that doesn’t mean he’s necessarily ready to take liquid medications without a fight. If your child complains about the taste, ask a pediatrician or pharmacist if you can mix the medication with fruit juice to mask the taste.

Bathrooms are a common source of mold, which can trigger itching and irritation in allergy sufferers. Running an overhead exhaust fan while taking a hot bath or shower reduces moisture in the air and helps to prevent the growth of mold. Wash bath mats and hand towels frequently with hot water.

Consider removing carpeting from your home, and going with wood or laminate flooring. Carpet allows dust mites to build up, and this can irritate allergies. If possible, remove the carpeting from your home, and replace it with laminate or wood flooring. Thiss prevents extra build of of allergens in your home.

Buy a dehumidifier for your basement. If you have a damp basement, this can be a breeding ground for mold. You can avoid mold build up, which triggers allergies, by putting a dehumidifier in your basement. You may want to buy a humidity gauge, to figure out the type of dehumidifier you need.

Allergies, often, have the miserable symptoms of a cold, without the eventual relief after the bug passes. Knowing the options that you have for dealing with symptoms can make living with allergies much more bearable. Remember the tips in this article, and you can go into public without getting dirty looks because of your sneezing!

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