No Matter What Your Acid Reflux Question, We’ll Answer It






Many people suffer from acid reflux. If you are unfortunate enough to be one of them, then the following article should offer you some suggestions as to what you can do. Read over the ones that pertain to your causes, and you should have a better understanding as to what can be done in your particular case. Help is just an article away!

It is important that you don’t eat too quickly if you suffer from acid reflux. The slower you eat, the better! Not only will it allow you to begin to break down the food in your stomach, it will ensure that you feel full when you really are full, something that doesn’t happen if you eat too quickly.

Chew your food. The more you chew your food, the less work your stomach will have to do. This also slows down the rate at which you are eating, which allows your stomach to keep up with its fullness level. Once you’ve eaten enough, your stomach will alert your brain and you’ll feel full.

Fatty food should be avoided. Fatty foods tell the esophageal sphincter to take a break, allowing acid to flow the wrong way. You’ll also pack on the pounds, leading to pressure on your stomach and a bigger reflux issue. Eat better and feel better!

When you eat high fat foods like fried chicken, your stomach empties very slowly. This allows it to become distended and your esophagus may fill up with acid. Choose healthier foods like lean proteins or beans to avoid this situation and you should be able to control your acid reflux like a pro.

Limit your liquid intake with meals if you’re prone to acid reflux. Even healthy beverages like water can fill up your stomach fast, creating conditions that are conducive to acid reflux. Sip your beverage conservatively and never gulp it down. Wait a half an hour after a big meal to enjoy quenching your thirst.

If you have been having any acid reflux symptoms over an extended period of time, make sure that you go in to be seen by a doctor. You may think that this condition is not that serious, but if it is not treated it can lead to more serious health issues, including ulcers and gastritis.

When your symptoms are at their worst, mix 1 teaspoon of regular baking soda with eight ounces of water. Drink this slowly, one sip at a time, until your symptoms subside. Do NOT do this every day as baking soda contains a great deal of sodium which can lead to a myriad of other health problems.

Alcohol is another no-no. Drinking alcohol can cause acid reflux and damage the lining in your stomach. If you are having a night out with your friends, limit the amount you drink, unless you would like to feel bad once you arrive home.

Try to eat smaller meals if you suffer from acid reflux. Sitting and eating large meals can contribute to the pain associated with acid reflux. Eating smaller meals will reduce the amount of acid your stomach has to produce to digest your food. This means that your stomach will work less and you will not have as much pain.

See a doctor. Many people think that acid reflux is something that can be treated at home. While this is true to some extent, you may be missing out on valuable insight and effective treatment. There are many causes of acid reflux, and your doctor can help you identify the root of the problem and devise a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Do not wear tight clothing around your midsection. This added pressure can worsen your acid reflux symptoms. Instead, wear comfortable, loose clothing to prevent this added pressure on your stomach. If you are the type of person who enjoys skinny jeans, you really should wait until your acid reflux is under control before wearing them again.

Quit smoking immediately to prevent acid reflux from occurring. Smoking cigarettes can increase the nicotine content that enters your body, which can damage your esophagus. A damaged esophagus can lead to more acid buildup in your body and trigger acid reflux episodes. Also, smoking will help you to live a healthier lifestyle and reduce esophageal cancer.

People who suffer from acid reflux can experience significant relief by chewing on cinnamon gum immediately after a meal. When you chew gum, salivary glands begin working which helps to neutralize the stomach acid. Chewing gum also causes people to swallow more. This assists in keeping acid down in the stomach, right where it should be.

As you can see from the above article, many people suffer with the aggravation of acid reflux. You have seen that there are things that can help. Each case is individual, but the suggestions shown above should give you some ideas that will help. Choose which ones will work best for you.

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