Are You Looking For Relief From Acid Reflux? Check Out These Tips!






When you are suffering with acid reflux, it may seem like there is no help in sight. Thankfully, there are answers to your problems, and they can be found within this article. Many tips and tricks for placating your suffering are available below, so read on to find out more.

Stay away from acidic foods. They can both cause and exacerbate acid reflux. While this is by no means a comprehensive list, try to avoid oranges, tomatoes, grapefruit and vinegar. If you can’t cut them out of your diet completely, at least try to avoid eating them in the evenings, so acid reflux doesn’t strike when it is time for bed.

Keep a diet diary. Everyone is different, and which foods will trigger your acid reflux may not be the same as mine. Write down how you feel before, during and after each meal, and include a list of what you eat and drink all day. After a month, you should have a clearer picture of which foods cause you the most grief.

Stress serves to exacerbate acid reflux. Excessive stress often causes excessive stomach acid, which causes acid reflux. Relax after you eat. Effective relaxation techniques include reading, watching television, listening to soothing music or meditating quietly.

Do you suffer from respiratory problems? Do you have a chronic couch or wheeze often? If so, it could be an acid reflux problem. Heartburn could cause these symptoms. Your doctor might suggest a pH test. This procedure is done on an outpatient basis over the course of 24 hours and can determine if reflux is a problem.

Acid reflux is so painful that it can sometimes be mistaken for a heart attack. If you are suffering from serious chest pain, don’t ignore it. There is a chance that you are suffering from a heart attack. Call your doctor immediately to find out what to do. You could have a serious issue on your hands and not even know it.

Wait to exercise after you eat. If you put off your exercise by at least an hour, the food will have a better chance to digest. Physical exertion right after you eat could cause the food to move back up toward the esophagus. This could be very uncomfortable and hard to fight.

There are certain foods that trigger acid reflux. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to avoid these if possible. One example is chocolate. While dark chocolate doesn’t appear to be as bad as high-fat milk chocolate, they both contain caffeine and cocoa, which are both known to cause acid reflux.

Avoid wearing clothing that is restricting around your abdomen. Wear your belts loosely and avoid pantyhose that are tight if at all possible. These articles could push on your stomach. This pressure on the abdomen could easily lead to heartburn. You may have to do some sit-ups each day to avoid buying new pants and skirts that fit properly.

You should eat as slowly as you can. Don’t eat too much in one sitting; only eat as much as you want. Always sit down and spend half an hour to have your meal. Eating fast or eating when overly stuffed can make your acid reflux symptoms worse. One trick to alleviate some of your issues is to place your fork on your plate between each bite.

See a doctor. Many people think that acid reflux is something that can be treated at home. While this is true to some extent, you may be missing out on valuable insight and effective treatment. There are many causes of acid reflux, and your doctor can help you identify the root of the problem and devise a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Changing the time you exercise can help decrease the amount of acid reflux symptoms you get. Contracting your abdominal muscles can force any food in your stomach to go back into your esophagus. It is best to wait about an hour after you exercise to take part in any sort of exercise.

Chew gum after your meals. Believe it or not, chewing gum can help alleviate acid reflux because it encourages saliva production. Saliva helps eliminate stomach acid. In addition, you will likely swallow more often, which further helps clear acid. Aim to chew cinnamon or fruit-flavored gum rather than mint because mint could worsen your acid reflux.

Consider losing weight if acid reflux is a problem for you. Any excess weight your system has to deal with can increase the frequency and severity of symptoms. Talk to your doctor about a smart diet and exercise program that will get you in better shape and lessen the discomfort you experience due to acid reflux issues.

With all of this great information at hand, you should be ready to tackle your acid reflux. This means taking control of your life and telling the acid to stay where it belongs. Start today and look forward to a happier, healthier future thanks to putting your condition to rest.

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