Struggling With Depression? Read This Article Now






Battling clinical depression can be a very scary thing for anyone who is not familiar with the symptoms and treatments of the condition. Fortunately, there are many ways to cope with and offer support for someone who is fighting depression, whether that person is you or someone close to you.

A great tip that can help you battle depression is to make sure you’re getting enough sleep everyday. It’s important that we get enough sleep because it helps our bodies function. If we don’t get enough sleep, we can get tired and that can lead to feeling depressed.

Grow your circle of friends so that you’re not continually pushing all your feelings on just your best friend. Your depression will cause even the best of friends to feel drained, so it is essential that you spread these conversations out among several of your closest friends to even it out.

Know that you are not crazy. Depression is just as real as any other illness. You body is telling you something is not right, whether you have unresolved emotions or your brain has a chemical imbalance. Depression is when your body tells you that it’s overwhelmed.

Listen to motivational speakers. When you are depressed, your inner voice becomes increasingly negative. Don’t give that voice a chance to bring you down. When you feel your inner voice start to be negative grab a recording of your favorite motivational speaker and let them be your inner voice for a while. It will fill your mind with uplifting words instead of pessimism.

Come up with a positive phrase that you can repeat to yourself whenever you start to feel depressed. You need to combat the negative thoughts by drowning them out with positive thoughts. Even if you do not believe your mantra, it will still help. You need to avoid letting the negative feelings take over. Say your phrase throughout the day, and eventually your mind will start to think it is true.

Laughter really is the best medicine. Research shows that even a smile can raise serotonin levels, the same effect that many antidepressants give. Instead of wallowing in your sadness with depressing music and tear-jerking tragedies, break out the stand-up albums or put on a silly comedy. Even if you don’t feel like it when it starts, you will find yourself smiling and laughing despite yourself by the end!

Wear clothing that makes you feel happy. Your clothing should be a reflection of the mood you wish to be in, not the mood you are currently in. Wear something colorful and fun that will make you smile when you look at it. Pick out your favorite outfit, even if it is formal, and wear it around the house to try to boost your spirits.

While it may seem impossible to express your feelings to someone when you are depressed, you could find that crying on someone’s shoulder or explaining your feelings, is the best remedy. When people listen to you, you are able to get your feelings hashed out without having to feel alone. Depression is a condition that is best met with support and company. Being alone only makes it worse.

Control your thinking at all times. Completely remove the word “depressed” from your vocabulary. Try changing the way you are thinking and instead just call it a “low mood.” Depression sounds so permanent and can make you feel stuck. If you see that you have “low moods,” you should also see that you have “high moods.”

When it comes to dealing with depression be sure that you listen to others and take their feedback to heart. This is important because more often than not it will be other people that notice a difference in you before you do. Believe those who care for you and work with them to help yourself feel better.

One way of dealing with depression is to practice using positive visualization. Start by closing your eyes and relaxing as much as possible. Take some deep breaths, and then begin imagining bright, happy scenes in your mind. For instance, if you love the outdoors you could visualize yourself sitting by a beautiful stream with birds singing in the trees nearby. By choosing happy, uplifting scenes and then vividly imagining them, you can instantly lift your mood and begin feeling better.

Your diet can have a huge affect on how you feel and act. If you are even mildly depressed, you can be tempted to eat so called “comfort foods” that are basically empty carbs and calories. These foods will do nothing to boost your mood or make you feel better about yourself. Eat a proper diet, filled with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to optimize the benefits that diet can offer to your mood.

With the information in this article, you will be more informed and better prepared to offer help and reassurance to someone who is suffering from the symptoms of depression. Always understand that there are many resources available for anyone who feels that they are unable to cope with the effects of this debilitating and misunderstood diagnosis.

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