We’d Love To Answer Your Acid Reflux Questions






Acid reflux can keep you up all night and leave you in pain all day. Finding relief from the discomfort is the only thing on your mind when you are suffering from heartburn. Follow the advice below when you are suffering from acid reflux to find relief and get on with your day.

Fatty foods are a serious no-no for reflux sufferers. Fatty foods can cause your esophageal sphincter to relax, letting acid flow upwards. You’ll also pack on the pounds, leading to pressure on your stomach and a bigger reflux issue. Try to stay as healthy as possible with your diet.

Use a wedge-shaped cushion beneath your mattress to elevate your head. Bricks, wood, books – what you use it up to you. Some modern beds can now raise through electronic controls, which can be a big help.

Smoking can cause serious problems if you suffer from reflux. Nicotine helps increase stomach acid production, which makes your acid reflux worse. You don’t necessarily have to go cold turkey to quit; that may actually worsen your acid reflux. Take your time when quitting.

A great way to minimize your acid reflux at night is to eat your largest meal of the day at lunch. You want as much of your food to be digested prior to lying down for the night. Rearrange your eating habits to include a big lunch and very small dinner.

Changing your lifestyle could decrease the discomforts you feel from acid reflux. Watch your diet so you can avoid foods that trigger the reflux. Reduce the stress you feel each day. Stress could cause the body to produce more acid. Shed a few pounds. The excess weight you carry could be putting pressure on your stomach and cause acid backup.

Refrain from consuming foods that have a high acid content if you want to alleviate your acid reflux during the night. Some of these foods include fruits such as grapefruit and oranges. These fruits can cause the burn that you feel, especially if you have them right before you lie down.

Consider taking a proton pump inhibitor. Drugs such as omeprazole work to reduce the amount of acid your stomach produces, stopping acid reflux at the source. Make sure you talk to your doctor before starting these types of medicine, even those that can be obtained over-the-counter. You will need to make sure that too much acid in the stomach is the cause of your acid reflux.

If you are a pregnant, there is a chance that the weight of the baby is pushing against your stomach and causing your acid reflux to form. Ask your doctor what you should if it happens to you.

Immediately after you have consumed a meal, do not lie flat. This can cause the food you have eaten to remain trapped in your esophagus, worsening acid reflux. Instead, walk around and remain upright for at least two hours. Doing this will assist in digestion, which will relieve your acid reflux.

Stay away from fatty foods. Therefore, fried foods, red meat, fast foods should be eliminated from your diet. However, if you cannot completely eliminate them, at least minimize your consumption of them. Get in the habit of checking all food labels to see the nutrition content and the amount of fat it contains.

Try to eat slowly. Eating too fast will cause acid reflux to strike. If you find that you have trouble with this, make an effort to take a bite and then put your utensil down. This will ensure that you don’t put too much food in your mouth at any given time.

Consume Vitamin B-12 supplements in the morning to help with your acid reflux symptoms. This vitamin not only helps to reduce the stress in your life, but can break down proteins too. This will help improve the quality of your digestive track, so that foods do not cause inflammation near your heart.

If you suffer from acid reflux you should ask your doctor if you would benefit from having an endoscopy. Diseases such as Barrett’s Esophagus often times go hand-in-hand with acid reflux, and an endoscopy is the only way to really see what is going on. Being proactive with your health can save you from bigger problems down the road.

You can reduce acid reflux by not drinking during your meals. When you drink and eat it can make your stomach fuller. This increases pressure on your lower esophagus sphincter and causes an increased risk of reflux. You should drink between two meals instead of during your meals.

As stated above, suffering from acid reflux disease can cause quite a bit of discomfort and keep your mind occupied. Follow the helpful tips and tricks outlined above before, during and after you feel the symptoms of acid reflux. This will help you find relief and prevent acid reflux in the future.

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